What is vedic mathematics  

Vedic Maths

What is vedic mathematics

Vedic mathematics is a mathematical methods for fast calculating which was origin from the fourth veda called Atharva Veda. Basic 16 sutras were introduced in Vedic mathematics which are used to calculate more than 10-15 times fast. Vedic mathematics was introduced in the early age of 20th century. The Vedic mathematics methods are very creative and useful which can be applied in a number of many ways to calculate various methods in arithmetic and algrbra.

  • Vedic Mathematics is a collection of Techniques/Sutras to solve mathematical arithmetics in easy and faster way. It consists of 16 Sutras (Formulae) and 13 sub-sutras (Sub Formulae) which can be used for problems involved in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, conics.

  • Vedic Mathematics is a system of mathematics which was discovered by Indian mathematician JagadguruShriBharathi Krishna Tirthaji in the period between A.D. 1911 and 1918 .Veda is a Sanskrit word which means ‘Knowledge’.
  • Using regular mathematical steps, solving problems sometimes are complex and time consuming. But using Vedic Mathematic’s General Techniques (applicable to all sets of given data) and Specific Techniques (applicable to specific sets of given data), numerical calculations can be done very fast.

The Use of Vedic Mathematics.

Vedic mathematics is a mathematical methods for fast calculating which was origin from the fourth veda called Atharva Veda. Basic 16 sutras were introduced in Vedic mathematics which are used to calculate more than 10-15 times fast. Vedic mathematics was introduced in the early age of 20th century. The Vedic mathematics methods are very creative and useful which can be applied in a number of many ways to calculate various methods in arithmetic and algrbra.

  • More than 1700% times faster than normal Math: this makes it the World’s Fastest.
  • Eradicates fear of Math completely. So If your child has Math-Phobia High Speed Vedic Math is a Fun-Filled way to do Math and arises interest in your child.
  • Much Improved Academic Performance in School and Instant Results. Just see the first exercise and believe it for yourself. Go over the examples given in the tutorials you would be amazed.
  • Sharpens your mind, increases mental agility and intelligence.
  • Vedic MathsTechniquesIncreases your speed and accuracy. Become a Mental Calculator yourself.
  • Vedic MathsTechniques Improves memory and boosts self confidence.
  • Cultivates an Interest in your for numbers.
  • Vedic MathsTechniques Develops your left and right sides of your brain hence using intuition and innovation. It has been noted that Geniuses have been using the right side of the brain to achieve exceptional results.
  • Easy to master and apply. You just need the knowledge of tables to learn this.

Vedic Maths Techniques/Sutras have the maths tricks for fast calculation and can be used in exams like CAT, CET, SAT, Banking Exams, etc.

Develops the Children mind

Increased calculation capacity

Extensively used in solving the geometry, calculus and computing

Useful for the
Competitive Exams

This course is designed for children’s in the age group 12 yrs above and is divided in 4levels.Syllabus covered by VEDIC MATHEMATICS

  • Vedic MathsTechniques Improves Logical reasoning and analytical ability
  • Vedic MathsTechniquesStimulates inquisitiveness from “What” to “How”
  • Vedic MathsTechniques Provides ability to Grasp faster and stay sharper
  • Vedic MathsTechniquesIncrease Concentration and Memory
  • Vedic MathsTechniquesEnjoying working with numbers
  • Vedic MathsTechniquesDevelops Decision Making Abilities
  • Vedic MathsTechniques Develop team sprit and socializing skills
  • Vedic MathsTechniques Provides mental ability to face challenges
  • Vedic MathsTechniquesDevelops Decision Making Abilities

1 Complements
2 Rapid Addition
3 Rapid Decimal Addition
4 Rapid Subtraction
5 Rapid Decimal Subtraction
6 Rapid Multiplication
7 Multiplication tables
8 Multiplication of Power of 5,25,125
9 The Sum of last digit being 10 and the first being the same
10 The sum of first digit being 10 and the last digit being the same
11 Rapid Division
12 Special Method : Division by 5,25„125
14 VINCULATE UNIT’S PLACE, 1O’S Place, 100’s Place
15 DEVINCLJLATE UNIT’S PLACE, 1O’S place, 100,s Place
18 Activities
1 Rapid Addition Higher rows
2 Rapid Decimal Addition – Higher Rows
3 Rapid Subtraction higher rows :
4 Multiplication by 11
5 Multiplication of Duplex Numbers
6 Multiplication by 12, 13…..19
7 Multiplication by 21 , 31…………91
8 Multiplication of numbers nearest to base numbers :
9 Division by nearest base numbers (complementary method)
10 Division by Duplex numbers
11 Division by 21. . 91
12 Activities
1 Digital Root Addition
2 Digital Root Subtraction
3 Multiplication of series 9’s (Equal Nos.)
4 Magic Multiplication of series 9’s (Equal numbers)
5 Amazing Multiplication – I
6 Amazing Multiplication – II
7 Amazing Division – I
8 Amazing Division – II
9 Squares
10 Square Root
11 Algebric Polynomials
12 Binomial Division
13 Polynomial Division
14 Activities
1 Amazing Multiplication – Higher Digits
2 Digital Roots – Multiplication
3 Amazing Division – Higher digits
4 Division
5 Digital Roots – Division
6 Decimal Multiplication & Digital Roots
7 Decimal Division & Digital Roots
8 H.C.F.
9 L.C.M.
10 Fraction Simplification
11 Fraction Addition
12 Fraction Subtraction
13 Fraction Multiplication
14 Squares & Digital Roots
15 Square Root & Digital Roots
16 Cubes & Digital Roots
17 Square Root & Digital Roots
18 Activities